Amongst the fiercest of conditions, the cold, the heat and the storm, stands my damsel
waiting to be cranked and brought back to life.
Ready for another day of mundane movement, from one garage to another
Only to be left alone for the rest of the day.
If only she had a life, if only could she speak, if only could she hear,
I wonder not what she would say but what she would feel.
For, if a creature is maneuvered as much as she is, if a creature can thrive like how she does,
her soul would depart in a wink.
I dare not ever vent my vexation on her, for, if only she had a life, if only she perceives my petulance,
she would lose her spirits in a jiffy.
In case that she is endowed with a vibrant, zesty soul, yet surrenders it owing to my laxity
she would still act not with revenge, but with requital.
Amongst the fiercest of conditions, the cold, the heat and the storm, stands my damsel
waiting to be cranked and brought back to life.