Thursday, January 28, 2010

'Con' stitu 'shun' & pre 'amble'

Is our constitution an institute for 'cons' or constitutes 'shuns'? Why should our Preamble have the word amble in it. Does our grand judicial system make judicial use of our money?

Its painful to hear from some highly literate people in the country that, we made our country corrupt. And thats because this is a democracy and we elect our leaders. The ruling party blames the opposition and the opposition blames the ruling for some major issues of national importance and a leader from a third party stands up and politely says "lets not play anymore blame games". Intended meaning "Lets subtly push the blame on the irresponsible citizens" We as responsible citizens should elect the right representatives who will take our country in the right path! Yeah right! Dont blame us. We are busy choosing one of the three parties that has made less money in the last two decades. And each of us have our own priority of burning issues – For some price rise is more important than cease-fire and for others, nuke deal is more important than a terrorist attack. If some pragmatic party offers all of this let us know, If not, give us a break.

In our country the only organization which is more powerful than the prime minister’s office is our press. Even though the word press has evolved from the act of printing, I often relate it to issues which need immediate attention (pressing issues). On a sober evening, I go home and I feel all patriotic and turn on the news channel to see what is the pressing issue today. I see Aamir khan working out. I re-check if it’s a news channel curse it and go to the next one. All of a sudden I hear 7 people shouting at each other on top of the voices, including the anchor trying to make the same point against one person. I have already started feeling the patriotic levels in my blood dipping steadily in the last 30 secs and switch to the next channel. The next channel always, I stress, always shows Indian of the year, 24X7 through out the year. I quietly change to MTV and settle for reality shows. On a Friday, Isnt there anything else happening in the whole country except the release of an Indian movie? Saturday, incase we missed the Friday show on the news channel – it’s a repeat telecast. Thanks to the freedom of press!

If you ask me why I am grumbling about all this, if I have an alternate plan, if I am bored at office – the answer is NO. Alternate plan is not my job. That’s why we have elected 800 odd people at the centre. Please don't shun your primary job responsibility. All I can do is ask my leaders for a safe tomorrow as I have a project to finish, to expedite our judicial system so that the convict’s grandson will not be punished for his grandfather's mistake, lessen corruption as we do require bridges and roads to avoid traffic jams and dams for water all round the year, freeze the prices of essential commodities today; as 2 years hence we would still like to add sugar in our tea. I am really ashamed to have written the first paragraph playing with three words i have adored all my life, but I guess it shows how intense my feelings for my country are.

Jai Hind!


  1. Nice... Very well expressed....

    About the media part, I guess we've heard ;

    'A country gets the media it deserves'

    But there is still hope, coz Change is in the offing.

  2. Intense...
    But not a word is wrong..
    Its a pain to watch the so called news channel these days....
    @Chaitra: We deserve better...

  3. Well written!! Something which we all feel .. :)

  4. @ Anagha: Thanks. Good to know there is no glaring spelling or grammatical mistakes - 2 proof readings done before publishing :P

    @ Arnab: Thanks Dude - Inspired from one of our coffee sessions :)

  5. Also ... its quite ironic that the our life (as in me and u)is so comfortable that we just talk and do nothing about it .. we do not have any incentive to .. do we ?? even if we want to, we cannot do anything .. The ones who are capable enough to do something are too comfortable to do it ..and the needy are not powerful enough to execute it... vicious circle it is ..

  6. @Arnab: Yup very true. My next post wil be I dont give a damn :P

  7. ur best post so far!!...well written!!

  8. "I quietly change to MTV and settle for reality shows." That sentence seems so normal that it is easy to miss something very, very odd: isn't it ironic that *Music* Television doesn't play music anymore?

  9. @Raak: Thnks buddy.. We were talkin abt the judicial system a few days back remember? tht made me write a bit abt tht..

    @Gudur: Nice point!! Actually i thot abt tht.. but dint want to deviate from the topic :P

  10. Nice blog machi ... hav a feel comin out of a shankar movie on a friday evening :P chalo shun ur feelinz n get ready 4 d party :P

  11. @kaushik: thnks dude.. Party time TGIF..

  12. Vry nice one da..Keep goin ! .. Btw which political party do u support ?? ;)

  13. @ vicky: Thnks! I dont support any party currently da.. If i support one, the other gets angry :P

